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Livro The magic of Life

Livro The magic of Life

SKU 9786553840942
R$ 39,90
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All witches have a pet as a partner in their spells. Silvia has a kitten who is so special that her name is Life. One day, Life slept and never woke up again. Silvia can't understand what happened. With magic letters and enchanted candies, Silvia gets the help of Miss Death and her loving Grandma Funeralia to rescue her kitten. Written by Marcos Martinz, author of Until Death Shelters Us, and illustrated by Isabella Pedrão, The Magic of Life shows, in a way that is easy to understand for all ages, the importance of memory, the need to deal with grief, and the magic of feeling life.

Editora: Ciranda na Escola
Edição: 1, 2022
Autor: Marcos Martinz
Ilustrador: Isabella Pedrão
Idioma: Inglês
Páginas: 32
Dimensões: L 24.00 x A 26.00 x E 0.27
ISBN: 9786553840942
Coleção: Ciranda Books
Linha Editorial: Ciranda na Escola - Literatura infantojuvenil
Faixa Etária: + 6 anos
Assuntos (tags): Morte, Bruxa, Gato, Luto, Lendas, Halloween, Animais, Feitiço, Magia, Avós, Vida, Família, Ética, Diversidade, Pluraridade Cultural, Inglês, Língua inglesa, Idioma
BISAC: Literatura Infantil / Temas Sociais / Morte & Morrer
Linha de Produto: Literatura infantil
Encadernação: Brochura
Acabamento: Hot stamping
Material: Papel

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